Generating and reducing your energy.

The aim of our service is to provide businesses with more control over their energy consumption, while also helping them to become more sustainable and environmentally conscious.

A lightbulb on solar panels.
A man taking a survay for wind turbines.

Multiple levels to save your business from those nasty energy prices.

We aim to provide businesses with the tools and resources they need to improve their energy efficiency, reduce their energy costs, and promote sustainability in their operations.


Enable data-led decisions.
Proactive maintenance strategies.
Benchmarking energy usage.

Utility Monitoring and Management Tools

Panoramic Power is a turnkey solution that enables you to comprehensively understand your energy footprint with real-time, device-level monitoring to drive operational performance within your business.

Learn more about Panoramic Power


Deploying simple to install monitoring equipment that provides insights to allow you to remove this waste to reduce your operational expenditure.

Learn more about EM


Enable data-led decisions.
Optimise on-site assets.
Enhance operational efficiency.


Reduce energy costs.
Increase the value of a property.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Chiller Optimisation

It is extremely common for chillers to operate inefficiently, as they are commonly set to full load when these conditions are rarely required.

Learn more about CO

Voltage Optimisation

Voltage optimisation is a form of voltage management designed to reduce energy consumption and costs.

Learn more about VO


Identify cost-saving opportunities.
Increase sustainability.
Enhanced competitiveness.


Increased compliance.
Improved reputation.
Improved data management.

Management Systems

Building Management Systems are computer-based systems that monitor and control a building’s electrical usage and equipment, for example, lighting, security systems or electrical machinery.

Learn more about BMS


Leveraging the unlimited power of the sun to reduce dependence on the grid.

Learn more about SP


Reduce business energy expenses.
Provide a strong return on investment.
A reliable source of power.


Reduced Energy Procurement
Extended Plant Life
Overall Better Performing Equipment

Power Factor

Power factor is an expression of energy efficiency. It is usually expressed as a percentage and the lower the percentage, the less efficient the power usage is within an electrical system.

Learn more about PF


Beyond the immediate safety risks, unchecked harmonics contribute to inefficiency and wastage.

Learn more about Harmonics


Voltage Optimisation
Removal of Distortion
Improved Equipment Performance

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“Corporately is the best place to work”

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Best Place To Work - Corporate X Webflow Template
Lily Woods
VP of Design
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Look At How Great It Is Working With Us - Corporate X Webflow Template
Look At How Great It Is Working With Us - Corporate X Webflow Template
Look At How Great It Is Working With Us - Corporate X Webflow Template
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